
Infrared Sensing Solutions

Infrared Sensing Solutions

People Counting

Motion Detection

Thermal Sensation

Temperature Comparison

Regional Temperature Sensing

Human Movement Tracking

Heat Source Detection

Wearables icon

Wearable Solution

1. List of Wearable Solution

BLE 4.0 Smart Energy

Activities measurement

Dynamic heart rate measurement

Accelerometer fall detection


Feasibility Study icon

Feasibility Study

1. List of Service

POC (Proof Of Concept) service

Feasibility Study via Engineering Sample

Hardware / Firmware / Apps design service

Custom module integration service



IoT icon

IoT Solutions

1. List of IoT-related Projects

Thermal Sensor Module for Home Appliance

Environmental Sensor Hub


IoT Reference Design

IoT Reference Design

1. List of IoT Reference Design

Zigbee Gateway / End device network

Temperature / humidity measurement

Atmospheric pressure measurement

Optical CO2 measurement

Optical PM2.5 measurement

Other Reference Design icon2


1. List of Other Reference Design

Direct drive controller for LED lighting

Single point Infrared thermometer

Multi point Infrared thermal array

Thermal Imaging data process


Technical Support icon

Technical Support Service

1. List of Service

Professional FAE support/
Customer failure analysis service

Design assistance in OEM/
ODM customer

Sensor selection / integration

Component replacement service

RF circuit analysis

Infrared-thermal related analysis
(Single point / Array)